Monday, March 7, 2011

Coke Or Pepsi - Who Makes Better Drinks?

Coke vs. Pepsi debate has gone on for decades, and there, swearing by their favorite soda brand there are millions of people on both sides of debate. Soda's three most popular types take a look at and see, taste tests and surveys of the most recent debate wins. A collection of the survey as opposed to just based on his findings so long as there is no scientific method, you still can take these with a grain of salt.

Coke vs. Pepsi. The big one, as related to each major-Cola brand is the top seller. Maybe it's their marketing budgets, their history, or his worldwide appeal, but the taste of Coke over Pepsi marginally wins out. Some Pepsi seems to taste even sweeter.

Diet Coke vs. Diet Pepsi. A large proportion of the population regularly drink more than one type like the diet as they contains no calories and are therefore more suited for people on diets. In this test, Diet Pepsi wins out. People say that the diet version of Pepsi and Diet Coke more than just the real thing tastes like.

Sprite vs. Sierra Mist. Pepsi, 7up at the end there too, but it seems that Sierra Mist has been in recent years pushed hard. While Sprite has the highest sales (probably more due to the recognition and a longer track record), people in blind taste tests like Sierra Mist.

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