Tuesday, March 22, 2011

China and Europe Compete for GPS Satellite Navigation Honours

China and Europe, the head of their respective global satellite navigation system which apparently indicated that the overlapping of the logger. China's system, Beidou is called, is scheduled to be completed in 2020, which is also the European system, called Galileo, is due to end on.

China has since 2000 been working on Beidou. That between October 2000 and May 2003, called Beidou-1 geostationary satellites launched in three stages. These satellites have played an important role when the 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan came to save the survivors are reported.

2-Beidou really took from 2011 to 2015, the first place, during which time 12-14 satellites will be launched in two phases with being broken. When 2-Baidou is completed, China's navigation system will include more than 30 satellites. Qi Faren, Shenzhou spaceships for the former chief designer and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) (as reported by Space Daily) national committee member, introduced between 2011 and 2015, navigation, and at the time the satellites will provide Asia and Pacific region by the messaging services. Rest of the country's global navigation system that will rival the United States will be complete - and apparently, Europe.

Baidou have problems with, at least according to the European Union's Galileo satellite navigation system as it their own prompts. Space News, the radio spectrum on which both want to work for the projects according to the already crowded, but neither project has to go because of the huge costs involved. Is at least as reported in the primary cause, but there are other factors at play.

Two contrasting projects for two years been playing a waiting game to see who blinks first. It is China, as planned, as evidenced by the string on its own satellite launch is committed to move. Meanwhile, the European Commission have complained about the deadlock of the European Union has become a major safety issue. They fail to convince China to try to move frequencies, but China is sticking to your guns, because it is the right for each one.

You see, at the same frequency to two systems mean that the capacity is not threatened. For both of them (more or less) will be able to function fully. However, they will not be able to jam the other signs. So it's no wonder China not ready to entrust the ground and is adamant that the EU does so so.

Add the issue (Glonass) Russia, Japan and India are navigation systems that will compete in all the same space. It is the space race, is only just beginning.

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